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Weight Loss Plan for Women: Achieve Your Fitness Goals

A new year and a new resolution, pages turn and dates pass by but is there any improvement? A weight loss journey sounds very exciting but very complicated at the same time. With so many mixed emotions and challenges, there is much to consider before going on a weight loss journey. Several factors need to be considered: age, health issues, and weight. The weight loss journey becomes tougher for a woman who is facing health issues. Those can be hormonal imbalances or metabolic disturbances. They can also be mental health issues or lack of social support to cope with diseases and difficulties. The list gets even tougher for a woman working and balancing her family and personal health. 

It is important to note that weight loss is not just about losing kilograms on the weighing machine. A healthy weight loss needs to be about transformation and to build a better life. It should be about building strength and power. It should ensure that you have control and flexibility over your body. It is about creating a healthy lifestyle and body in which one is energized. A healthy body is the road to better self-esteem and confidence. Weight loss must be considered to be an approach that is to be sustained and not only limited to a particular period. Losing weight for your college farewell through random diets suggested on the internet without the advice of a professional might seem to be an easy way out. But it is not, since these extreme weight loss methods will just harm your body in the end. It might as well make you gain back the weight you lost, which is why you have Diet Speed. Your one-stop solution to any health concern. The fat loss diet and yoga practices along with all the other required needs are personalized based on your case history.

To lose weight all one needs is a combination of a few things, since there are so many ways to lose weight. We need to focus on the basics. Beginning with a balanced and healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity. Along with ensuring adequate hydration and a sound and quality sleep. Stress management and dedication to losing weight are things that are needed from the beginning whenever one decides to lose weight. For our wellness, it should be understood that realistic and achievable weight loss goals should be set. Rather than something that we cannot achieve. Aiming to lose 10 kilograms in 2 weeks is not healthy and not advisable from any specialist as well. This is why it is always suggested to get help in understanding what your body needs. This will also help in identifying what techniques and methods your body can adapt to. And work upon methods that the body is not supporting and not showing results in.

Overweight women must lose weight because excess body weight leads to various problems. Like problems in conceiving and menstrual cycles. Excess body weight would affect ovulation cycles and delay pregnancy. Having excessive weight not only leads to PCOS or diabetes. It is also linked to sleep apnea, heart problems, and pregnancy complications. It was found that even in vitro fertilization was unsuccessful in overweight women. Being overweight affects the baby as well. The baby might have problems like childhood asthma and developmental delays. 

Tips to start your weight loss journey

What do you consider the most while going on a weight loss journey? Weight loss programs or supplements? Well, you should consider neither of them. It is very important to understand what you need and the following are a few tips before you kick start your weight loss journey:

  • Are you ready?

Losing weight and maintaining the lost weight is necessary as well as something that requires a great time and effort. You need to make up your mind beforehand and be prepared to eat healthy instead of counting on momos and noodles frequently. You need to promise yourself to engage in physical activity like running or doing yoga while you complete a 10,000 walking goal daily. 

Sit down with yourself and ask yourself if you have an urge to change and transform. Ask yourself if you have any distractions. Figure out if food is your coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. And if it is, are you ready to change it? Check for ways in which you can change your eating habits. Find ways for how would you make yourself more inclined towards engaging in healthy dietary habits. Ensure that you wake up every day and tell yourself to do physical activity. Look around and identify if you would need help and social support from friends, family, or professionals. Above all, losing weight would take time and effort. It is all about consistency and dedication. Do you have that? And if you do, are you willing? 

  • Identify your inner calling

Identify why you need to lose weight because, in the end, it is just you, who needs to achieve this target. Make a list of everything that you feel from your heart which is your driving force to lose weight. This will not only keep you focused but also serve as an inspiration. An inspiration on days when you don’t feel like working out or having healthy food. Change your wallpaper, write positive affirmations but give in all your efforts once you have decided to. Choose your social support wisely, and find someone ready to work out with you. Find someone ready to eat healthy and not craving a packet of chips. 

  • Set SMART Goals 

SMART Goals can be defined as Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. Aim to lose 1 to 1.5 kilograms a week and not 6 to 7 kilograms a week. Set goals for yourself that are realistic and not something that is not achievable. This will keep you motivated instead of losing hope. 

Goals are of two types – action goals and outcome goals. Action goals are set for each day, for instance, setting a goal to run for 5 kilometers each day. Outcome goals talk about the outcome you wish to achieve. For instance, it could be losing 10 kilograms of weight in 2 months. Action goals pave the path to reaching your outcome goal. This is why it is very necessary to stay focused and keep completing the action goals that you set for yourself. 

  • Healthy food is the key 

To lose weight it is sometimes needed to consume fewer calories, less than what you consume. But that is only possible when we consume healthy food. Avoid junk and oily food. Consume vegetables and fruits. Look for low-calorie foods and various alternatives as a healthy snack. Eat fiber-rich foods as they help you feel full early. Consume fewer refined grains like white bread or white rice. Snack fox nuts or mixed seeds when you feel like snacking. Use healthy fats like olive oil but in a limited amount. Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Engaging in diet programs based on your body and needs can be beneficial as well. 

  • Get up and stay active

Regular physical activity with a balanced diet will help you stay in shape and burn extra calories. Apart from losing weight exercise lifts your mood, lowers your blood pressure, and helps you sleep better. 

Some other ways beyond exercise can help you keep you stay active are:

  1. Using stairs instead of an elevator
  2. Stand or walk instead of sitting while you talk on a call
  3. Keep on walking while you watch TV
  4. Keep the music going, sometimes you might as well be tempted to dance
  • Stress management

While under stress it is more likely for us to eat more and stay at one place instead of being physically active because most of us would tend to overthink. It is necessary to learn healthy ways to cope with stress. 

  • Sleeping patterns

Nothing works if you do not allow your body to rest and recover from any physical activity you do. Let the body charge and let your metabolism act while you sleep. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sound and hygienic sleep. 

  • Finally, change your mindset

Exercising and a balanced diet mean nothing if you do not believe that you will lose weight. It just takes a habit to change your entire lifestyle. Thinking about the past when you could not implement your weight loss journey. And thinking negatively about not being able to lose weight would do more harm than good. It is important to remember that creating a lifestyle change takes time and no change would happen in one day. Track your progress and start from day 1 and see the change on day 21 itself. 

Women’s fitness requirements

Women and men have different bodies and thus their bodies require different fitness needs, some of them are:

  • Female physiology – women often have hormonal imbalances, different metabolism, and body composition. All these factors need to be understood to make a fitness plan for them that meets their individual needs.
  • Fitness goals for women – women might have different fitness goals from men. They may look for muscle toning, weight management, better cardiovascular health, and stress reduction. It is necessary to understand these goals in the beginning.
  • Aging and fitness – menopause affects body composition and metabolism. Different factors affecting a woman’s journey during her weight loss should be considered deeply.

Building a fitness routine

  • Strength training – weight lifting helps in bone density and increases lean muscle mass along with boosting metabolism. A proper form with different weight-lifting exercises is proven beneficial.
  • Cardiovascular exercise – for instance running, swimming, cycling, and dance. They play a great role in maintaining heart health and calorie burning along with overall fitness.
  • Flexibility and mobility – flexibility and mobility should be greatly understood and explained. It is to prevent any injuries and maintain functional movement as they age while improving their posture. Stretching and mobility routines like yoga and pilates can be beneficial. 

Balanced diet plan

  • Nutritional base – understanding and explaining the importance of a balanced and healthy diet. This can be done by teaching the required amounts of each nutrient needed for different bodies.
  • Calorie content – provide explanations as to why women of different ages, activity levels, and fitness goals would need different calorie content. Explain how one creates a calorie deficit for them with the help of their diet to achieve weight loss.
  • Hormonal health – several women are told to not consume gluten-based food in PCOS. Exploring different foods and what should not be consumed in each health condition.
  • Offer strategies and healthier alternatives to period cravings. Ways to overcome the feeling of not wanting to work out during periods should also be taken into consideration.
  • Consider factors like menopause, pregnancy, and aging while building any diet or workout plan.
  • Diet plans for weight loss can also be specific. Dieting for women can be of various types. Like weight loss, muscle building, managing medical conditions, or general wellness. The dietary requirements for each must be met and explained. For instance, to build muscle, she should be explained how much and what sources of protein she should consume. What are some healthier sources of proteins in comparison to any other source? 


Weight loss is a very confusing and challenging process especially when you are aiming for a healthy weight loss. But that does not mean it is impossible. It is very important to consider various factors like age, medical conditions, and weight before starting their weight loss journey. 

Beyond any other factor, there are factors inside of you. You would be required to question everything before you begin this journey. From asking yourself to leave being lazy and look for chips daily to ensuring that fox nuts are your source of snacks. Beyond walking, you also need to ensure that you are engaging in proper physical activity each day. It all takes consistency, time, and effort, and asking yourself if you are ready to give it. 

A lot of other things like menopause, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, and aging while building any sort of diet or workout plan. Each diet should be nutritionally balanced and each workout routine should focus on holistic wellness of the body. Cardiovascular health should be given a top priority. There should always be a way for a woman to make herself physically active on days when she does not feel active to exercise or when she is on her period. Since everything in life is about balance, cheat meals are allowed but they should also have their healthier alternatives.

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  1. Rohit


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